(The grandkids/ 2008)
by Randy Reynolds
............................Standing/orange shirt: Brandon...
His mama had to have steroids for him to survive long enough to be born prematurely. Now he's bigger than his classmates and can throw a baseball like a bullet. Has been on this earth nine years and so far has never taken NO for an answer--the greatest salesman I have ever seen. Loves to write.
In the yellow hat: Sam...
Sam is a little guy with a big mouth, a joker who gets into a lot of fights. His older brothers beat him up (or try to,) as do bigger kids in the neighborhood, as did a gang of five boys at school...but Sam fights back. He NEVER gives up. A kid crushed his skull with a golf club last summer and he had to have emergency brain surgery. Woke up thinking he's a rapper. Calls himself Little Slim.
Standing/green shirt: Pierce...Born with holes in his heart, too lethargic to drink. His mama coaxed him to health, one ounce of formula at a time, every few minutes, around the clock. Now he's the picture of health, leader of the gang, totally outgoing, not a shy bone in his body. Loves to explore, play war, build club-houses and target-shoot. Cries over dead animals and misses his pet snake which is loose somewhere in the house.
On her brother's knee, striped shirt: Madison...Born in the front yard before the ambulance could get there, umbilical cord wrapped tightly, three times around her neck, she was lifeless for her first four minutes. Her daddy & the 911 operator brought her to life. Now she's as tough as her brothers, can climb anything, eats vegetables, crawfish, gumbo, boudin, anything anybody else is eating and is fiercely attached to her daddy.
The twins, pink and fuscia tops: Anna & Sarah...A lefty & a righty, mirror images, a diva and a tomboy but they change roles every few months. They're cheerleaders. They have a great sense of style, sometimes changing clothes a dozen times during a day to mix'n'match, coordinate and accessorize. They love to take long walks, eat their daddy's special pancakes and shop with Mom. Each has a poodle (Maxi and Troy) and they have shared their home (at various times) with pet lizards, a parrot, canaries, cat, hamsters, guinea pigs, a big brother and their brother's missing snake.
On the far left: Mackenzie...
Very motivated and self-sufficient. Every school day, she wakes up by herself, dresses herself, fixes her own breakfast, cleans up after herself, wakes her parents to tell them goodbye, and goes to catch the bus. Has rock collection, insect collection, hilarious sense of humor. And very coordinated: taught herself (in a very few minutes) to ride a bike.
Far right, clinging to the post: Georgia...Georgia is absolutely certain that she's a princess, and she's quick to tell you so. She's a dancer, too. In restaurants, she goes from table to table and dances her version of the Flamenco and Twist and Cha-Cha for strangers, who always applaud and laugh. She's also a daredevil. Will do anything any other kid will do, and always with a smile of pure joy because she loves to perform.
Center, holding his sister: Jacob...
Jake loves to debate; he would argue with a stump. Great questioner--starting at age 3, he would ask about snakes, dinosaurs, Presidents, wars, etc., and remembered it all. Hated to read, and got poor grades, until he discovered the Harry Potter books and read them all. (God bless J.K. Rowling!) Decided to become a writer. Got his first story published at age 12. Decided to go to a private school--which the family couldn't afford--and won a scholarship. Decided to become a Congressional Page and got selected twice in the same day--by the Republican leader in the House and a Democratic Senator. He chose the Democrat.
Jake loves to debate; he would argue with a stump. Great questioner--starting at age 3, he would ask about snakes, dinosaurs, Presidents, wars, etc., and remembered it all. Hated to read, and got poor grades, until he discovered the Harry Potter books and read them all. (God bless J.K. Rowling!) Decided to become a writer. Got his first story published at age 12. Decided to go to a private school--which the family couldn't afford--and won a scholarship. Decided to become a Congressional Page and got selected twice in the same day--by the Republican leader in the House and a Democratic Senator. He chose the Democrat.